Photoshop Illustrator

Developer Training and Certificate

photo Image
Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator are essential tools for every Motion Designer to master. Almost every Motion Graphics project out there passes through these programs in one way or another. They are insanely powerful pieces of software, but learning Photoshop or Illustrator can be overwhelming if you don’t know where to begin. This course makes learning Photoshop and Illustrator easy and fun. Get tons of experience working with the same tools that professional Motion Designers use every day.

Learning Objectives

Understand the Photoshop interface

Retouch and blend two images

Understand layers

Use effects and filters

Use the History Panel

Save a file for the web

Use basic healing tools

Photoshop Tools

Tool Features

  • Switching, Zooming, Panel, Rotation, Cycling, Customization
  • Setting up Image size and Print Size
  • Cropping and Straightening of an Image
  • Content Aware, Border and Canvas Images

Image Adjustment

  • Adjust Image Luminance using adjustment tools and layer mask
  • Colour Adjustment
  • History Panel
  • Selection

Advanced Techniques

  • Masking
  • Brushes
  • Working with Colour
  • Composition

File Handling

  • Blend Multiple Images
  • Retouching
  • Image Adjustment

File Formats

Learn about different image file formats and their uses in Photoshop.

Animation with GIF

Explore the basics of creating animations with GIFs in Photoshop.

Illustrator Tools

  • Navigation, Zooming, and Working on Multiple Documents
  • Working on Artboards
  • Working with Panels
  • Environment Setup
  • Grid and Guidelines
  • Layer Panel
  • Resize and Modify on Artboard
  • Saving, Printing, and Exporting
  • Difference between RGB and CMYK
  • Transform Objects
  • Pen Tools
  • Drawing Art
  • Shapes Tracking and Drawing
  • Appearance
  • Symbols
  • Perspective Drawing